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3 -1 助动词
3.2 Grammar
3.3 Grammar
4.1 助动词
4.2 Grammar
4.3 Grammar
Level 5.1 助动词
5.2 Grammar
Level 5.3 Mixed
1 - Nouns, quantities and articles 名词、量词 和冠词
1. Nouns, quantities and articles 名词、数词和冠词
Plural Nouns 名词复数
Quantities 1 数词
Articles 冠词 1
Countable & Uncountable 1
Countable & Uncountable 2
Countable & Uncountable 3
Countable & Uncountable 4
Articles 2
Articles 3
Articles 4
Articles 5
Articles 6
2 - Some and any; indefinite pronouns
Audio Lessons
Some & Any
Indefinite Pronouns
Arrange 2
3 - Quantifiers
Audio -Quantifiers
Too much, Too many , Enough
4. Personal pronouns; impersonal there and it/they
Personal and impersonal pronouns
4. Impersonal pronouns
5. Demonstratives and possessives
Demonstratives and possessives
5. Possessives
5.2 Demonstrative Pronouns
Revision Units 1 - 5
6. Present simple and continuous
Audio :Present simple and continuous
Present Simple vs Present Continuous 1
Present Simple vs Present Continuous 2
Present simple and continuous 3
Revision 1 units 1-5
Revision 1 Units 1-5
Write the words in the correct orders to make questions.
7. Past simple
Past simple
Write the past simple form of the verbs.
Write the words in the correct orders to make questions.
Complete the crossword with the irregular past simple forms.
8. Past continuous
Past continuous
Past Continuous - When vs While
past continuous 1
Past continuous 2
9. Present perfect
Present perfect
Perfect Tense 1
Present Perfect 2
Present Perfect 3
Perfect Tense 4
10. Present perfect and past simple
present perfect and past simple
perfect tense 3
present perfect & past simple
11 . Past perfect
1.Grammar Review 阅读和回答
2.Grammar Review 2 阅读和回答
Past perfect
Past Perfect 1
Past perfect 2
Past perfect Or Past perfect continuous
12. The future
The future
Review 2 Units 6-12
Revision 2 Units 6-12
Review Present simple, Present continuous, Past tense
13 .To +the infinitive and the -ing form
To +the infinitive and the -ing form
14. Reported speech
Reported speech
1. Reported Speech 1 EZ
2. Conjunctions 1 Reported Speech Multiple choice
3. Conjunctions 1 RA
15. Revision 3 Units13-14
Revision 3 Units13-14
16. Can ,could be able to
Can ,could be able to
17. Must, have to, should, needn't
Must, have to, should, needn't
18. .Revision 4 Units 15-16
Revision 4 Units 15-16
19. .Question words
Question words
22. Question tags
Question tags
23. Relative pronouns
Relative pronouns
24. Connectors
25. Revision 5 Units 17- 20
Revision 5 Units 17- 20
26. Zero and first conditional
Zero and first conditional
27.Second conditional
Second conditional
28. I wish
I wish
29. Revision 6 Units 21-23
Revision 6 Units 21-23
30. Comparison :adjectives and adverbs
Comparison :adjectives and adverbs
31. Position:adjectives and adverbs
Position:adjectives and adverbs
32. Revision 7 Units 24-25
Revision 7 Units 24-25
33. prepositions of time
Prepositions of time
34. Prepositions of place and movement
Prepositions of place and movement
35. Expressions with prepositions
Expressions with prepositions
36. Revision 8 Units 26-28
Revision 8 Units 26-28
37. Active and passive
Active and passive
38. Past simple passive
Past simple passive
39.Revision 9 Units 29-30
Revision 9 Units 29-30
40. Revision 10 All Units
Revision 10 All Units
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